In my constant movement through different musical genres and styles, my love for “traditional” music, and in particular for Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, coexists with my interest for modern and contemporary experiences. I try to maintain my critical spirit...


My relationship to the XX century and contemporary music, also enhanced  by my long collaboration with Luciano Berio, leads me to convey my own research spur and omnivorous curiosity in a performing, composing and conducting activity. I love traditional chamber music,...


I must confess that my compositional approach, consequent on my musical education, heavily influences my sharp receptiveness to the countless paths of music: pop, jazz, rap and rock, obviously sifted through my sensitivity. All these genres will be largely present in...


My stance towards musical genres is rather steady: I think that every genres can be established through the creation of a repertoire, but I also think that a performer, instrumentalist or conductor, must keep from cementing this relationship with too conventional or...

Composition | coming soon

In the coming months I will dedicate myself to the composition of a Rap-Opera with Michele Tadini.


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